Urban Golf Courses Can Reduce Post Natal Depression

Following on the heels of the research that showed urban golf courses can help with the wellbeing of the whole local community, stunning new research suggests that these oases of greenery  may be pivotal in alleviating the distressing impact of post natal depression (PND). 

PND is estimated to impact as many as 1 in 10 new mothers  - and its not just women as new fathers can experience mental challenges as well.

A new study in the Lancet (Regional Health Americas) has discovered that simple proximity to green spaces can significantly reduce the impact of post natal depression on those living close to those spaces.  

The study looked at over 400,000 pregnancies in Southern California over a 10 year period and calculated how closely each was to open green space. When all other factors had been taken into account the simple fact of living near green spaces had a powerful impact on PND in itself.

Chief Neuroscientist at PSYenz Stephen Smith said:

"This  study has significant implications for urban planners and local authorities. Urban golf courses create and maintain green space in the concrete jungle and every day new research appears that shows how important this is for all the local residents in any community"

PSYenz would suggest that this study also shows that golf courses have a great opportunity to benefit their local communities by engaging with them and being more open and accessible. Smith commented:

"The study postulates that the ability to get some exercise and be part of a community may be important elements of the effect as well as the well documented neurophysiological benefits of simply being close to nature.  Clubs can cement themselves as pillars of their communities by reaching out to this demographic. Making the golf club a place to go for young mothers to meet whilst creating golf activities for youngsters will be pivotal in ensuring a long term pipeline of young golfers and members for the future".

Stephen Smith- The Fairway Physician

Independent Scientific Advisor to the Department of Culture, Media & Sport, UK Govt.


07806 794 527


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