How You Carry Your Golf Bag Impacts Swing Speed
How You Carry Your Golf Bag Impacts Swing Speed
Golf Science Report From Neuroscientist Stephen Smith- 'The Fairway Physician'
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For Publication
It seems to make sense that the more tired you are or feel on the course the less able you will be to generate your maximum power and swing speed.
Now researchers in America have shown that to be true and that the way you transport your bag around the course directly affects this important element of game success.
A group of scientists from a number of universities in the southern states of the USA have collaborated to investigate this phenomena.
They looked at:
- Walking with no bag
- Carrying a bag with a single strap
- Carrying a bag with a double strap
- Using a push cart/trolley
They found that using a double strap and carrying the bag low on the back was the most positive impact on actual swing speed but that those without the bag or using a push cart 'believed' they had more energy left......................BUT
There are a few problems with this study
1. There were no electric carts/trolleys - perhaps as these are less common in the USA?
2. The swing speed measure was not direct- it was based on the known correlation between vertical jump height and swing speed
3. The participants did not actually play golf they just walked around the campus stopping every quarter of a mile to do their jumps and measure their mental perception of tiredness/energy left
4.It was a low number of participants (10) and no indications of how representative they are of average golf population
5. They only walked 3 miles which is the equivalent of 6-8 holes for most courses.
The Fairway Physician would love to see this study repeated but with a number of new conditions
A. Add in the use of electric carts/trolleys as a new variable
B. Measure swing speed directly by using a portable launch monitor on each tee.
C. Get the participants to be representative of a wide range of golfers (age/gender/handicap)
D. Make them play a full 18 holes
This might produce some more detailed and interesting results.
However the picture does seem to be clear for those that do carry their bags:
If you carry a bag it is best to ensure it has a double strap and that you centre the bag low on the back
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