
Showing posts from November, 2023

Golf can Provide Cure to World Health Organisation Alert on Loneliness

  The Loneliness of The City Dweller - A Response to World Health Organisation Announcement   -  Why Cities Need Urban Golf  Venues More Than Ever to Combat This Silent Killer  There have been challenging times for city golf courses lately. From Sydney to Seattle there have been call for urban golf courses to be 'Re-wilded' or sold off to make way for more concrete jungle. All of those clamouring for such changes conveniently ignore the myriad research that shows how important urban golf courses can be as oases of safety for flora and wildlife amongst the asphalt. This research has also demonstrated the many health and wellbeing benefits that living close to a golf course can have on city dwellers. Often the results can be surprising such as the massive study in the British Medical Journal showing that urban living mothers of new-borns had significantly lower levels of post natal depression than expected when they lived near a golf course. Now the World Health Organisation has