
Showing posts from January, 2022

The 7 Pillars of the Psychological Golf Venue Experience

  It has long been known that the best engineering can fall foul of the way that the human brain assesses the world and makes decisions. Whilst humans like to believe that they are logical and rational creatures, neuroscience has shown that 80% of decision making is driven by deep subconscious circuits in the brain. These emotionally driven shortcuts are the results of millions of years of evolution. The design of the human brain is not always a good fit for the intense demands of the 21 st century. For decades leading commercial organisations have been using these insights to design work equipment and environments to ensure that they light up all the positive circuits hidden in the user’s brain and not the red flag warning circuits. They have been designing for the user experience. This UX industry is now becoming commonplace in many organisations and will become standard in most by 2030. However, there are some industries that are always at the tail end of any change or e